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Push-Pull valve output transformer

Primary Impedance = 8 kΩ

Power = 10 W

€ 83,49 (€ 69,00 tax exclusive)


This output transformer firstly was designed for guitar amplification, where the lowest frequency is around 80 Hz. Under this condition the maximum output power surpasses 20 Watt which is a standard demand for EL84 guitar combo’s. However, this OPT also behaves excellent in high-end power amps, with 10 Watt power at 40 Hz. Ultra Linear taps are present at 40 %, creating low effective plate impedance. Optimal low plate impedance is with the power tube triode-mode (G2 to A). This surely minimizes transformer-core distortions. The net result is a very clean and friendly sounding push-pull amplifier with enough power to fill your living room.

Application PP : 2 x EL84 / 6V6 / 6L6
Power : 10 Watt @ 40 Hz ; 20 Watt @ 57 Hz
Impedance-prim. : 8 kΩ
Impedance-sec. : 0/4/8 Ω
UL-taps : 40 %
Frequency range : 2 Hz to 87 kHz (-3dB 2 x EL84-UL)
Dimensions : round 93 mm dia, height 42 mm
Weight : 1,1 kg

Download : pdfDatasheet VDV-8010-PPE (see attachment)
Download Application TS-2023-HiBu-project: https://www.meten-en-aan-buizenversterkers.nl/product/17218783/ts-2023-hibu-pcb