This new toroidal power transformer is the successor of the previous POW80 EI-core transformer. The specifications are largely improved and the range of application is widened.
For instance: instead of one filament winding, now there are two 6,3 V windings, each with a current capability of 4 A. This allows the application of modern power tubes with a larger filament current demand, like the KT150.
Two totally separated and 800 V isolated high voltage windings of 280 V at 220 mA each deliver more B+ power than the previous POW80-version. Switching these windings in series delivers a huge 800 V B+ voltage. Download the application below for such a configuration with floating super-C-Fet hum reduction.
Also possible is to use one POW80-t transformer for a 2 x 40 W all valve stereo amplifier, each channel with its own filament and B+ windings.
Application of Trans-circuitry asks for an extra negative supply voltage in the environment of -100 V. Therefore the previous 50 V bias-voltage winding is improved to one 100 V winding with center tap.
Extra is the addition of a 10 V winding to feed operational amplifiers or any other logical functionality.
This year (2019 and 2020) the POW80-t (and GIT80-t) will play a major role in the TubeSociety-2019-project. Its results will be published around August 2020, which will give you extra guidance to successful implementation.
For detailed information about the VDV-GIT80-t that matches the POW80-t:
see Products > Transformers > Other
Specifications VDV-POW80-t
Application : universal toroidal power transformer.
Power : 200 VA
Prim-1 and 2: 2 x 115 V 50/60 Hz
Sec-1 and Sec-2: 2 x 280 V 220 mA; each 800 V isolated
Sec-3: 100 V with CT; 100 mA
Sec-4: 10 V 100 mA
Sec-5 and Sec-6: 2 x 6,3 V 4 A
Dimensions : diameter 125 mm, height 55 mm
Weight : 2,6 kg
Download: VDV-POW80-t specifications
Download: VDV-POW80-t application example
Download: VDV-GIT80-t specifications-1;
VDV-GIT80-t specifications-2 universal connections
Applications: Download the PR20HE service manual in PR20HE-UK.zip,